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  New World Gaming - Final Domination
Posted by: Sledgehammer - 09-17-2017, 01:09 PM - Forum: News, Updates & Announcements - No Replies

[Image: Final-Domination.png]

New World Gaming - Final Domination

New World Gaming - Final Domination's server is set to return. While there is no official release date, we will be working behind the scene in ensuring all the features are working and adjusted accordingly.

Traplord has been appointed as Lead Developer of Final Domination. Congratulation! For those who don't know me, I don't ever accept other developers into the team. So yet again, very well done.

My position within the community will be management and ensuring all services and servers run smoothly.

I look forward to playing with everyone shortly. Please keep an eye open for any further announcements.

Posted by: Sledgehammer - 08-29-2017, 11:13 AM - Forum: News, Updates & Announcements - No Replies

Limitless Gaming's old website has been restored to full working order. I've restored the website for archive purposes. Having the website publicly accessible is in the best interest of old members. This is particually useful for members who want to retrive lost threads and their hard work, or for members to reflect on memories.

Feel free to use the website however you want, but please be respectful. Last time I setup the forum for archive reasons, not long after closing Limitless Gaming, most threads were deleted by a single moderator. It is highly unlikely that this moderator took this decision by theirselves. The decision may have been executed by the management of RWW (the formation of the new community called 'RWW', not Limitless Gaming's RWW). Such actions were selfish and weren't done in the best interest of the whole community.

To clarify, I did remove all permissions of moderators and admins last time with the exception of one account. This was an unforeseen circumstance.

For security reasons, I've revoked permissions of all moderators and admins. Additionally, permissions such as creating new topics, new posts and sending private messages have been revoked - this is an archive forum!

If you have any questions, feel free to private message me.

EDIT: To view the archived forum please visit lgsamp.com. You may log onto your account to view all boards.

  Welcome to New World Gaming!
Posted by: Sledgehammer - 08-27-2017, 03:29 PM - Forum: News, Updates & Announcements - No Replies

Welcome to New World Gaming.

Some of you may recognise the names "New World Gaming", "Final Domination", "Limitless Gaming", "RWW" and finally but not least "Sledgehammer".

New World Gaming is a newly established gaming community. However, we have had a Call of Duty server called "Final Domination" in the past. We plan on reopening Final Domination as soon as possible, with many more features. I'm pleased to announce that TrapLord will be joining the development team.

I am Sledgehammer and the former owner of Limitless Gaming - Real World At War. I also acknowledge there is another Real World At War server. This community (RWW) has no association with New World Gaming or its affiliates. We have no interests to pursue any legal claims, as prompted by old community members. We wish this community the best. New World Gaming's management team will remain neutral on other SA-MP communities.

I closed Limitless Gaming because I wanted to "move on". Whilst I have moved on, and started a new chapter in my life, I've always have had a sweet spot for gaming. After countless hours of trying other servers, I've failed to find a server that meets up to expectations. As a result, I have decided to reopen New World Gaming in the best interest of others. As a community, I believe having fun whilst playing games is a common goal, therefore we will always try to add new enjoyable content and tailor our rules to reflect this.

Please be reassured of the upkeep of New World Gaming. Myself and other managers are prepared to give up countless hours to ensure the stability of the community, its servers and the website.

Unlike my previous communities, New World Gaming's Senior Management Team are interested in deploying more servers than ever - whether that is a SA-MP roleplay server to a rust server. Our primary goals are to have fun and we would like to give community members a wide vareity to choose from.

New World Gaming is proudly hosted by Prestige Steve Hosting. I strongly urge anyone looking for hosting solutions to try out this hosting company.